Fill out a repair ticket for your kite or wing Ticket Form
Please complete the Service Ticket Request form Below.
You will receive an email with your Service Ticket number.
Use your Service Ticket number to obtain updates on your service request.
Note: Required fields are denoted by *
Your Name:*
Your Phone:*
Your E-Mail:* Note: Here should be entered only one primary E-mail.
Additional E-Mails:
Note: To email multiple individuals, delimit with coma or semicolon.
Damage Description:*
Add Attachment
Add Attachment
Add Attachment
Add Attachment
Kite make: *
Kite model: *
Kite size: *
Kite color:
Return shipping address (no P.O.boxes):
Company or Name: *
Street: *
Room/Floor/Address 2:
Department/Address 3:
City: *
State: *
Zip code: *
Would you like our premium overnight service?: *
Do you want an estimate before we begin repairs?: *
Do you want damaged bladders replaced?: *
Do you want missing bladders replaced?: *
Are you sending in a bag with your kite?: *
Country: *

Ticket Status:
Notify me by email if new message will be posted